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Berkeley Lab to Showcase HPC, Grids Expertise At SC2003

November 7, 2003

The Computing Sciences organization at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will demonstrate its leadership in advancing science-driven supercomputing and next-generation Grid tools in a series of demonstrations and presentations at the SC2003 conference in Phoenix. Read More »

Lab Hosts Workshop on Tools for Scientific Computing

August 6, 2003

More than 40 computational scientists from around the country attended the fourth workshop on the DOE Advanced Computational Software Collection. Hosted by the Computational Research Division, the workshop was held on the Clark Kerr Campus of UC Berkeley. The ACTS Collection ( comprises a set of software tools developed at DOE laboratories, and is aimed at simplifying the solution of common and important computational problems, with substantial benefits demonstrated in a… Read More »

Bell, Colella Honored for Contributions to Computational Science, Engineering

June 17, 2003

John B. Bell and Phillip Colella, applied mathematicians at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, have been named as co-recipients of the 2003 SIAM/ACM Prize in Computational Science and Engineering, awarded by the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).

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Envisioning the Grid

January 29, 2003

At last year's SC2002 conference in Baltimore, Berkeley Lab racked up its third straight win in supercomputing's annual Bandwidth Challenge with a data-gobbling visualization of colliding black holes. When it comes to remote scientific visualization, says Wes Bethel with a smile, "we're the kings." Read More »

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab’s David Quarrie to Manage ATLAS Software Project at CERN

January 28, 2003

David Quarrie, a senior computer scientist of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, has accepted a two-year appointment as software project leader within the reorganized computing organization for the ATLAS experiment in Geneva, Switzerland. Read More »

Reorganization Leads to New CRD, NERSC Center Divisions

June 26, 2002

The Laboratory’s National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC) Division is being reorganized into two new divisions – the NERSC Center Division and the Computational Research Division, Lab Director Charles Shank announced earlier this month. The goal of the reorganization, which was outlined in the NERSC five-year strategic proposal written and submitted to DOE last year, is to heighten the visibility of the NERSC Center as a national user facility supported by DOE’s Office of… Read More »

Chorin Awarded Prestigious “University Professor” Honor By UC Regents

February 14, 2002

Dr. Alexandre Chorin, a founding member of Berkeley Lab’s Mathematics Department and a professor of Mathematics at UC Berkeley, has been honored with the title of University Professor by the Regents of the University of California. The title of University Professor is reserved for scholars of international distinction who are also recognized and respected as exceptional teachers. It is a way to share their talents throughout the UC system for at least five years and no more than ten. Read More »

An Algorithm for the Ages

January 20, 2000

Australian researchers have done the impossible—they’ve found the sixty-trillionth binary digit of Pi-squared! The calculation would have taken a single computer processor unit (CPU) 1,500 years to calculate, but scientists from IBM and the University of Newcastle managed to complete this work in just a few months on IBM’s BlueGene/P supercomputer, which is designed to run continuously at 1petaflop/s—that’s one quadrillion calculations per second! Their work was based on a… Read More »

Algorithm for the Ages: Better Way to Find Integer Relations

January 20, 2000

  Among the top ten "Algorithms of the Century" announced in the January/February, 2000, issue of Computing in Science and Engineering magazine is the integer-relation algorithm dubbed PSLQ, discovered by mathematician and sculptor Helaman Ferguson of Maryland's Center for Computing Sciences, and implemented in practical computer software by David Bailey, chief technologist of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley… Read More »

BOOMERanG Analysis Finds Flat Universe

December 12, 1999

Newly released data from the 1997 North American test flight of BOOMERanG, which mapped anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB) in a narrow strip of sky, show a pronounced peak in the CMB "power spectrum" at an angular scale of about one degree, strong evidence that the universe is flat. Read More »